Citizen, Teaching, Industry, Cities for Future Mobility
Changes at "Activity "Co-creation with high school students of Apps to improve urban mobility""
Description (English)
This activity involves forty-eigth 15-16 years old students of a High School. The activity will be repeated in two groups of 24 students each, who are in the 4th year of ESO (Secondary Education). Agenda of activities in their classroom for each group:
- 10 min. Interactive presentation. The goal is to make them aware of the pollution issue in the urban mobility. Also, we will talk about micro-mobility, sustainable mobility and public transport compared to the effects of using private car/moto.
- 5 min. Urban Mobility Form. At the end of the presentation we will ask them to fill in our Form about Urban Mobility issues. After, we will debate about what have they learnt from the information given in the form.
- 5 min. Summary of the MobilitApp tool. We will briefly present our tool MobilitApp to predict the means of transport in order to help the City managers in charge of the public transport to improve the service.
- 30 min. Co-creation activity using the MobilitApp tool. The goal is that the students organized in 4 groups, propose an algorithm to improveLook for a part of the code (MobilitApp) and propose them to solve a problem. They have to do a flowchart (pre-code). To design an APP we need 3 phases: Goal/Idea/challenge + FlowChart + Implementation in the code → ADRIAN
- Give them an online FlowChart tool (laptop) (Adrian)
- ONLINE Flowchart:
- 10 min. MAPPO: Presentation + Mapes + Futir work BCN Open Data link → Adrian
- Adrian: look for the MAG, ACC=GYR sampling frequency?
Adrian: Prepare our Flowchart (Solution for the Co-creation activity, sensor sampling frequency problem)
This activity involves forty-eigth 15-16 years old students of a High School. The activity will be repeated in two groups of 24 students each, who are in the 4th year of ESO (Secondary Education). The students donwloaded our Apps MobilitApp and MAPPO three weeks before our meeting, so that they already are familiar with them. Agenda of activities in their classroom for each group:
- 10 min. Interactive presentation. The goal is to make them aware of the pollution issue in the urban mobility. Also, we will talk about micro-mobility, sustainable mobility and public transport compared to the effects of using private car/moto.
- 5 min. Urban Mobility Form. At the end of the presentation we will ask them to fill in our Form about Urban Mobility issues. After, we will debate about what they have learnt from the information given in the form.
- 5 min. Summary of the MobilitApp tool. We will briefly present our tool MobilitApp developed to help city entities in charge of public transport to easily analyze the mobility flows of citizens. MobilitApp predicts the means of transport being used with high accuracy. The application is in development and we will explain the current work we are doing, to open a discussion of ideas with the students.
- 30 min. Co-creation activity using the MobilitApp tool. The goal is that the students organized in 4 groups, propose an algorithm to perform correctly the process of reading sensor data in MobilitApp. We will show them a piece of the MobilitApp code and propose them to solve a challenging problem about the sensors sampling frequency. They have to design a flowchart of the pre-code to solve the problem.
- 10 min. Summary of the MAPPO tool: The tool MAPPO shows 3 alternative routes over the map of Barcelona (OpenStreetMap) to follow a same itinerary on foot: the shortest route, the less polluted route and an intermediate route. We will show them the Dataset of Pullution available in the Barcelona Open Data BCN, which updates the pollution values every 5 min, taken from 8 stations deployed throughout the city. The application is in development and we will explain the current work we are doing, to open a discussion of ideas with the students.