Citizen, Teaching, Industry, Cities for Future Mobility
Challenges for sustainable Urban logistics
The energy mutation is the main challenge of our today world.
Our full reliance on the fossil energy is threatening our futur and health because of the climate change and pollution.
As logistics experts, we are facing the situation and rethinking our paradigm in order to properly respond to the urban mobility for both goods and passengers while taking into account the above threats.
To achieve this, we must overcome our fear of change and take the lead for the implementation of sustainable solutions.
The seminar will explain how we can be involved into this process of mutation and what results we can expect ?
The speaker:
François de Bertier is a former student of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse (now TBS and where he became a teacher)
He has a dual experience as SME manager in the service and transport sectors :
• 18 years in the photographic industry until a takeover bid by the Kodak group
• 26 years in Transport and Logistics in short circuit in Occitania
• Founder of the Trans TEN cluster in 2018, he is very involved in regional energy change
79 Route d'Espagne - 31100 Toulouse
Salle A08

Conversation with Benoit Desjeux
Link to streamline : (External link)
Link to streaming (External link)
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